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Enterprises are compelled to contend with the effects of uncontrolled and sometimes irregular growth of applications, systems, information and data. This sprawl of both data and applications not only has severe effects on Information Technology (IT) budget utilization, but also locks critical human and IT resources in continuous maintenance of legacy infrastructure, technologies and designs. This lock down prevents the enterprise IT function to effectively align to business goals and also deliver on the operational objectives.


Quasarsys, a trusted engineering partner; we work closely with you to help you make the right decisions, technology choices and investments. Whether to sunset a legacy application or invest in new initiatives; you can be assured that our services help you align to your business goals. Quasarsys solutions based on Cloud-First deployment strategy and Mobility-First consumption strategy helps your business gain competitive advantage, deliver highly available and reliable services to users, and achieve operational efficiency.

Quasarsys offers a comprehensive suite of services that help you in making the right decisions, protect investments and maximize return-on-investment (ROI). We offer strategic consulting, advisory services and complete Software Development Life Cycle services (SDLC) for enterprises in the areas of – Application Development, Technology Migration and Re-Engineering, Web Enablement, Application and Data Integration and application migration to cloud.


Strategic Consulting and Advisory Services

Our architects help you evaluate – new initiatives, retirement of legacy applications that are no longer delivering business value, architect private or public cloud computing strategies that best aligns with your business goals and operational objectives.


Application Development

Our expertise lies in building your applications and services with a holistic view of the capacity of the underlying infrastructure and how it is used to provide guarantees on performance and scale. We architect for cloud-first deployment strategy and configure services to work in distributed environments to provide for load balancing and high availability. We design to leverage the cloud’s pre-configured, virtualized application server environment to build dynamic and compelling applications that scale as needed to meet your user and customer needs.

Technology Migration and Re-Engineering

Our services include –

  • Design and implementation of migration strategies for applications services to virtual Infrastrucutre-As-A-Service platform on the cloud.

  • Development of hybrid cloud to extend on-premise systems into the cloud.

  • Help leverage capacity and power of resources on the cloud through smooth integration with your on-premise systems


Application and Data Integration

We help create scalable enterprise data integration platforms to provide a unified approach to access, transformation, and delivery of data. We enable you to cost-effectively scale to meet increased data demand, save hardware costs, and reduce the costs and risks associated with data downtime by providing information access in batch and real-time.

Analytics for Business Intelligence

Our services include mining of structured and unstructured data, event processing, custom algorithms for processing, and presentation of useful and actionable information for marketing, sales, operations, customer advocacy and

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